I'm delighted to report that the quizzing.co.uk website, under the guise of the official British Quizzing Association website is now back up and online.
You'll find
LOTS of new features on the site:
Games! There are FOUR games to play on the site. Two are played on your own and two allow you to compete against each other.
Online Quiz Leagues! Playing the games will earn you points towards the online leagues. You have 20 playing days each month and you can choose when those are (the remaining days are training days that don't count towards your ranking). You get four FREE games every day with paid members getting an
additional four games per day. Annual membership works out at as little as 3p per extra game.
Friends! The new site works a little bit like Facebook. You can have friends on the site and will be told when they are online and you will be able to chat to them too.
Profiles! Your profile allows you to add information about yourself and a picture.
Stats! Your profile will also hold information on how you're doing when you play the online games. You'll be able to see which subjects you’re strongest and weakest in at a glance.
Questions! You will also be able to submit questions for everyone to play and you'll be able to discuss and amend questions too. The questions get graded for difficulty based on how many people answer them correctly too.
Tournaments! Once you've had chance to familiarise yourself with the site, we'll be holding online tournaments too :)
So hopefully this gives you some idea about what the new site can do, and of course, most of the old stuff is still there too. Have a play around with it and please bear in mind that we still have a bit of work to do, so we know that some bits are still in German. The functionality is all there, and so we just didn't want to keep you out any longer!
The odd account from the old site has been lost when we moved the data over, and doubtless many of you will have forgotten your passwords. But worry not, if you can recall your user name (you could always browse the site to spot one of your old posts for a reminder) you'll be OK, just go through the login process and the site will help you create a new password - sending you a reminder to the mailbox you created your initial account with. If all else fails, just create a new account.
Have fun!
You can access the site